Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh, wow! Did we get alot of rain!

Oh, wow! Boy!, did it rained early in the morning! Had to close all the windows. It was cold rain. :( I thought with the flood it was making (like 10 yrs. back) there will be no school. As soon as I thought that, it stop. lol! Now it just raining constatnly and still school. I didn't know that we had a heavy tropical storm/tornada that brought down trees and building south of New York City two days ago! :?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

OMG! Could This Be Happening!

OMG! I can not believe this is really happening! We received a letter today. Ana was invited to study in England & France for the summer of 2011 by the People to People Student Ambassador Programs. I signed up for a local info meeting on oct 30th to learn more info about it. I hope this opportunity is for real and that I would be able to afford it. I hope we are both couragous enough to let go and take a chance on this wonderful opportunity. Ana has never been very far & alone from me especially to a foreign lands, that I never visited. I had wished to go to England someday and even wanted to study abroad while I was in college. I couldn't and can't afford it. We have never gone on a vacation or visit other places here in the states or outside of it. So it really would be a great opportunity for her all around. We'll see... we won't get our hopes up high just yet!

Hachiko: A Dog's Story of Loyalty in Tokyo

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thank you...

Thank you for your welcomes and informations. I will defintely be following you from time to time. Eventhough I have a busy schedule, I have to get back into writing. (My vocabulary & grammar is a little bit rustic :/ ) Hopefully I keep writing. :) Say, do you all put your blogs on publicly or private. I am afraid that if I put it private than the only person who will be reading my blogs is me. I think they said something about access control but I can't find it. :/ I believe I have to start all over again learning how to navigate here. There used to be more layout designs, which they were nice. Oh, well! Thanks again for all your comments & informations. It would take time & patience to adjust here. lol! :) ..... I miss my faces. :(

Too Many Steps

I don't get it?.... Why so many steps to just post a blog? Why go through so much? I wanted to create a space here so my friends, from MSN/ Windows Live, could try to connect with me and I connect with them.
First of all, blogspot do not have a way to connect with people, you want to keep in contract from another space. So I have to notification them myself that I am here... and of course, I have to make sure I have some king of website or blog link for them to find me - whatever and wherever that is. There is no search engine or find button here to look for them and vise versa. So I have been going around and around.
One person recently emailed me where I could find her - don't know how she got her website link to her space here? Interesting... I made sure I became her "follower" - such a cult word or one of those constantly annoying advertisement postcard to subscribe to a maganize or newspaper. Now we have to "subscribe" to "follow" a friend. :/ ... Or is it they can't use the words friends, neighbors, guests, invite, support, contributation, constituents of one's space, or company because other website spaces are using those words that they fear a lawsuit or they have a lack of imagination of the usage of words? :/
Well, at least I have two as my "followers". :)
I wanted to renamed my blogspace. I named it Lady Grace for now because I wanted people I know from another space to find me here easier. :/ I don't free this space is a Lady Grace space. It's not friendly/ easy use or meeting people - so no use renaming this space like the one I have. It is more like a publishing writings - not personal thoughts & experience and more like a thrift store - setting up design, waiting for people, and displaying your work. It's weird! Although, it is a nice place for this sort of internet activities. :) When I blog my entrepuer business, I had amazing blog, designs, and display.
I changed my blogspace here from entrepeur business to personal website space now. So I am creating a blog.... again, does it need to have so much steps and take up time. I believe too much steps is confusing. My title, Too Many Steps, came up when I was going through the designing my blog - not have written it yet. Anyway, I gave it a title, create a link so my friends would find it easier, and afterwards took me to design. Aren't you suppose to write, edit, and then design your blog? Right.... how would I get the feeling of designing my blog if I have not written anything yet? :/ Don't they have to relate together? Okay.... so I pick a design that looks - well, technical. Then I added a bar of videos (I only wanted one!), of The Art of Noise, in particular, Paranoima. For all who don't know me well, I could be very sarcastic especially when another's idiocy come into play creatingsocial injustice or hardship to other.
Was I finished? No. I went to layout so I could edit the blog - not the space on how I would want it to look. WHERE is the place I could FINALLY blog... or does blog have a different meaning and way here? Round and round I go until I look up and saw "Posting." I figure, "What the heck! I sure I have time to navigate my way around here. (YEAH, RIGHT!) Lucky, I did came here and now am ending my blog. Hopefully it would be posted and be able to be read. Too many steps!